Sunday, August 3, 2008

Dieters Need More Calcium

Women on diets need more calcium than normal to avoid boneloss, say Rutgers University researchers.

Studies showed a weight loss diet of 1.5 pounds a week for 6weeks cuts absorption of calcium. In 57 postmenopausaldieters it was discovered that those women who took 1,800 mgof calcium a day absorbed 78 percent more calcium than thosewho took only 1,000 mg a day. To prevent bone loss, womendieting after menopause should get 1,700 mg of calcium aday, the experts say.

For people on low-fat, high fiber diets calcium requirementsare also higher. Studies show that 19 percent less calciumis absorbed. It is theorized that the healthier diet movesfood faster through the gastrointestinal tract.

While it is common knowledge that calcium is necessary forbone-growth research shows that calcium also fights fatabsorption. Studies reveal that calcium blocks fat storagein fat cells. A minimum of 1,000 mg. of calcium dailyimproves total cholesterol and good HDL, but lowers bad LDL.

Despite the publicity of the importance of calcium forhealthy bones research shows that consumption has gone downover the past 30 years.

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